
Final Event: Review

Final Event: Review On November 23 and 24, 2021, the joint final event of C3-Mobility, REDIFUEL and LONGRUN took place. During the two days of the conference with more than 400 participantsRead More…


Final Event: The external Speakers

On November 23 and 24, 2021, the joint final event of C3-Mobility, REDIFUEL and LONGRUN will take place as an online event. The event offers participants exciting keynotes on the political debate. Click here for the profiles of the speakers!


E-Fuels info tour

A Germany-wide e-fuels information tour will take place from Aug. 23 – Sept. 7, 2021. Organizers are the Lühmann Group with support from the Bundesverband Freier Tankstellen (bft) and the UNITI Bundesverband mittelständischer Mineralölunternehmen e.V.


First PtX atlas published

The Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE) has presented the world’s first PtX Atlas. It presents temporal-spatial high-resolution simulations for a first non-European power-to-X volume scenario as well as country-specific location analyses of the production characteristics and long-term production costs of electricity-based fuels. This will provide stakeholders from politics and industry with comprehensive insights into the study results.


More demo vehicles ready

In the C3-Mobility project, another demo vehicle could be put into operation! The VW Passat Variant is the second vehicle alongside the Daimler Actros to experience the potential of renewable fuels – not only in test operation, but also in the daily driving experience.


Crediting system for renewable fuels: Functionality and benefits

Frontier Economics has proposed a crediting system for renewable fuels in a recent study for Neste which would allow OEMs to voluntarily finance additional renewable fuel (on top of the volumes mandated under RED II) and count the corresponding emission reductions against their fleet targets.


GHG reduction quota in traffic increased to 22% – investments in renewable fuels necessary

According to a decision by the federal government to implement the Renewable Energy Sources Directive (RED II), the greenhouse gas reduction rate in traffic will be increased from currently 6% to 22% by 2030. The greenhouse gas reduction rate stipulates the percentage by which CO₂ emissions in road traffic must be reduced. The GHG reduction quota also defines the share of renewable energy in the drive means and is therefore an important regulation for achieving the ambitious climate goals in the transport sector.


Demands for binding e-fuels quota in road and air traffic

Winfried Hermann (Bündnis 90 / Grüne), Minister of Transport in Baden-Württemberg, has called for a binding quota for the use of synthetic fuels in road and air traffic. Together with the SPD member of the Bundestag Andreas Rimkus, member of the Committee for Economic Affairs and Energy, and Bernd Westphal, energy and economic policy spokesman for his parliamentary group, he also called on the federal government to be more committed to alternative fuels.