C1: Methanol-to-Gasoline (MtG) and 2-Butanol combustion processes for passenger cars
The aim of this module is the detailed research and demonstration of the gasoline engine potential of MtG and 2-butanol blended fuels for use in vehicles with cylinder stroke volumes < 0.5 l. Opel Automobile GmbH, together with the RWTH Aachen University as partner, is responsible for the management.
- evaluation of the drop-in capability of MtG and 2-butanol fuels on a near-series full engine
- design of a full engine for optimized operation with 2-butanol
- construction of a functional demonstrator vehicle for optimized operation with 2-butanol
- injector models for 2-butanol injection
- concept for superstoichiometric 2-butanol combustion process
C2: Alcohol / MtG-mixtures for use in gasoline and flex fuel passenger cars
In this work package, the gasoline engine potential of MtG and 2-butanol blended fuels as well as blends of methanol, ethanol and butanol for use in full engines and vehicles and their compatibility with existing materials are to be researched and demonstrated in detail. The module is led by BMW AG with RWTH Aachen University as partner.
- investigation and evaluation of Mtg as well as the drop-in capability of 2-butanol and a blend of several alcohols on a near-series full engine on an external test bench
- adaptation of the existing engine concept to the fuels to be investigated
- construction of a functional demonstrator vehicle
- investigation of chemical basics such as fuel aging as well as chemical-physical basics of fuels and blends
C3: MtG / EtOH – high-octane and CO2-neutral fuel for gasoline engines
In this module, the potential of fuel blends of MtG and ethanol is to be researched and demonstrated under the aspects of air quality, i.e. limited pollutant emissions, and thermal efficiency when used in vehicles. The investigations are carried out using two different basic qualities of MtG and three different vehicle concepts. Volkswagen AG is in charge of the project.
- evaluation of the emission potential of fuel blends from MtG and ethanol as well as investigation and demonstration in real driving conditions
- evaluation of the emission potential of fuel blends of optimized MtG and ethanol on a vehicle with integrated fuel detection
- evaluation of the emission potential of fuel blends of optimized MtG and ethanol in an engine with modified design and investigation in real driving operation
C4: DME combustion process for light commercial vehicles
Under the management of Ford-Werke GmbH, the aim here is to research a monovalent optimized DME concept and a new fuel processing technology (CatVap) to realize a bivalent and thus emissionable DME/diesel concept. A fully optimized monovalent vehicle as well as a bivalent (DME/Diesel) vehicle will be developed. The CatVap system for the bivalence must be transient and integrated into the fuel and air exhaust path of the engine. RWTH Aachen University, Grillo Werke AG, Denso Automotive Deutschland GmbH and Fraunhofer ISE act as partners.
- monovalent DME firing process:
- CFD pre-dimensioning DME nozzle matrix, piston CFD
- single-cylinder investigations DME firing process
- CFD combustion process development, validation and optimization
- construction of tank plant for multi-cylinder investigations
- conversion and preparation DME-Dyno
- multi-cylinder testing DME monovalent
- structure monovalent bze. bivalent DME Transit
- RDE testing transit DME
- Bivalent DME- 7 Diesel combustion process :
- definition of interfaces CatVap DME engine (1-cylinder, multi-cylinder)
- development of CatVap functional model for 1-cylinder DME engine
- examination of CatVap EGR air for fuel composition and ignition properties
- SC development of CatVap/Diesel combustion process (with DME definition)
- development adaption motor/CatVap System
- research into transient CatVap operation
- development of CatVap functional samples for multi-cylinder tests stationary
- development of transient operating strategy for multi-cylinder DME engine
- further development of CatVap functional model for multi-cylinder tests transient
- multicylinder testing Catvap / Diesel transient
- development of 12V start heater for CatVap
- integration of CatVap in diesel and air path multi-cylinder DME engine
- development of CatVap functional model for vehicle demonstrator
- expansion of one of the monovalent DME transits to bivalent operation
C5: 1-Octanol combustion process for light commercial vehicles
In this module, different diesel/octanol blends for the gradual introduction of climate-neutral and drop-in-capable fuels for light commercial vehicles will be investigated. Based on a modern production vehicle, the compatibility with existing vehicles for at least two different blended fuels shall be demonstrated. The series calibration will then be adapted to the new blends and tested in multi-cylinder / vehicle tests. Ford-Werke GmbH is in charge, together with RWTH Aachen University as a partner.
- structure single cylinder
- definition of diesel/octanol blend on single cylinder
- multicylinder Testing Diesel/Octanol and Optimization
C6.1: OME combustion process for passenger cars – monovalent
The core of this submodule is the construction of an OME-powered demonstrator vehicle with diesel-like performance, driveability and significantly reduced emissions compared to the Euro 6 series production vehicle. TU Dresden is in charge. The partners are Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center, FEV Europe and Continental Automotive*.
- system analysis and requirements
- single cylinder basic investigations
- full motor examination and application
- construction and calibration of the demonstrator vehicle
- software enhancements
- modification of the vehicle hardware for operation with OME
- single cylinder examinations
- optical investigations
- accompanying simulation calculations
C6.2: OME combustion process for passenger cars – dual fuel
This module is managed by Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center with TU Darmstadt as a partner. The Zeil is the construction of a light commercial vehicle engine for operation with dual-fuel CNG-OME. In addition, a combustion process with improved engine emissions is to be developed with a focus on the WHTC.
- adaptation and equipment of the existing single cylinder with further measuring technology
- definition of specific glare stages depending on different framework conditions and target values under illustration of different introduction scenarios
- development and demonstration of possible potentials for pollutant and
- CO2 reduction through experimental investigations on single cylinders
C7: OME/1-octanol and alcohol combustion processes for heavy-duty vehicles and large engines
In this sub-module, the engine potential of OME/1-octanol/diesel blend fuels used in commercial vehicle engines (cylinder stroke volume > 1l) is researched and demonstrated in detail. In addition, dual-fuel approaches with ignition beam and spark ignition will be investigated for their prospects of success. FEV Europe is in charge of the project. Daimler, Deutz, Liebherr Components and Weissgerber Engineering will support FEV Europe as partners.
- adaptation and design of a single-cylinder research engine with the highest possible variability for the design of an optimized combustion process
- investigations into OME-/Diesel Flex Fuel combustion concept
- CFD support
- map optimization for selected fuel mixture for transfer to demonstrator vehicle
- adaptation and commissioning of the demonstrator vehicle as well as transfer of the single-cylinder calibration
- emission reduction potential under real conditions
- Methanol-/Ethanol-Diesel Dual Fuel: CFD Investigations
C8: Methanol combustion process for marine and large engines
The focus of this submodule is on researching a suitable concept for the highly efficient and low-emission combustion of methanol in large engine applications. Since the necessity of low-emission operation in inland waters and coastal areas is constantly increasing for ships, their propulsion systems in particular represent a promising target platform. A single-cylinder large engine test bench serves as the test vehicle. With the support of Liebherr Components, RWTH Aachen University is in charge of these investigations.
- concept phase for the investigation, evaluation and selection of various options of the methanol combustion process
- preparation and conversion of the test bench engine for methanol operation
- examination of the load points representative for ship operation of the respective preferred concepts with regard to combustion characteristics, consumption, emissions, etc.
- investigation of an ignition beam based process
*exit by 31.03.2020