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Paris Zero Carbon Forum 2023

The Paris Zero Carbon Forum brings together experts to discuss the challenges faced by our cities with elected officials on December 7, 2023 in Paris.

After a scorching summer and before a winter of sobriety, cities are accelerating their ecological transition. To remain liable in a 50-degree world and maintain a high quality of life, they are preparing for profound, even radical, transformations.

Transport, mobility, housing, food, the Covid crisis has served as a revelation and a general rehearsal of the vulnerabilities of the urban fact. It is not too late to act within the framework of the IPCC recommendations, because all the solutions exist.

But we must mobilize all the actors, elected officials, the public and private sectors, companies and citizens, to adapt our uses and behaviours to this new world. Our lifestyles will not emerge unscathed.

This new edition will bring together the best experts to discuss with mayors the challenges facing our cities.

On World Climate Day on December 8, and a few weeks after COP 28, we look forward to seeing many of you at the Paris City Hall to build the sustainable and desirable city of 2050.

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