Pan-European study on e-fuels: majority advocates stronger funding

In a Pan-European study commissioned by Fuels Europe, EU consumers are demanding their respective governments to do more to develop various low- CO2 drive solutions. The result of the study shows that a large majority of the more than 10,000 respondents from 10 EU member states still depend heavily on their car as a means of transportation. For example, 69% of those surveyed own a car (mainly petrol and diesel engines), 78% of them use the car almost every day. 40% of the registered fleet is 10 years or older.

Respondents were also asked about the preference for their next car. Here, the respondents stated that they largely supported the development of electric cars, but only a few would consider an electric car for their next vehicle purchase. The respondents cited a combination of price, range and infrastructure as the main reasons. By contrast, two thirds of the respondents would opt for a hybrid or combustion engine.

The vast majority, on the other hand, advocated increased government funding for alternative fuels with low CO2 emissions – 73%. Over half anticipate a fundamental change in the transport system in the next ten years, 69% consider alternative liquid fuels to be a real option for reducing emissions in the transport sector. The key word here is affordability. If cost and availability were irrelevant, 77% of the respondents would switch to synthetic or biofuels.

The statements of EU citizens show a clear awareness of the necessary change in the transport sector – also in private usage behavior. The belief in alternative fuels as a decisive factor in achieving climate goals is there – 70% of those questioned believe that air quality in cities can be improved by cars with new internal combustion engines and new fuel technologies. A lack of political incentives and unfavorable framework conditions are a major obstacle to the ramp-up of synthetic fuels.

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